17-year-old twins Nicole (Stuyvesant honor student / control freak) and Natasha (rebellious artist / actual freak) precariously co-exist. Then Natasha jumps from their roof. Can Nicole find a place in a world where her identity and her heart are torn in half?

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

Natasha, if a bed was an essence.
 Since as we all know, I can't describe everything that happens in the (insert adjective here) process that is rehearsal, I decided to post some photos to give you a better idea. Of course, since the show opens today, you guys are all going to see the set and such sooner or later, but here's a heads up of what you are (hopefully) going to see.
Nicole, if a bed was an essence.

In the beginning

These rehearsals can get pretty long and tumultuous.

Hope this piques your interest.

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